If you’re driving across Whitefield in Bangalore or around Marine Drive in Mumbai, there is a high possibility that you’ll come across these 3 things - traffic that takes an eternity to disperse, a jaywalker who has to make his way through the traffic, and a reckless driver who has to overtake every other vehicle on the road. Add to this the degrading conditions of the roads of our country, and being a driver becomes quite a task.
The year 2017 saw the death of 1.49 lakh people due to road accidents which roughly counts for the entire population of Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. Accidents or their causes cannot be predicted but one can take certain precautionary measures; having a motor insurance plan will definitely help you drive worry-free and forget about the what-ifs.
What constitutes car insurance?
Based on the coverage, there are two types of motor insurance - third party liability policy and comprehensive car insurance policy. The third-party liability coverage pays for the losses or damages caused by your car to any third party during a mishap. On the other hand, a comprehensive policy, along with the third-party liability also covers the losses or damages caused to your own car in case of an accident.
A comprehensive motor insurance plan provides coverage for the damages inflicted to the policyholder’s vehicle, arising out of accidents, vandalism, riots, natural disasters and calamities, loss due to theft and personal accident. A comprehensive motor insurance hence provides an all-around protection to the insured person and his/her vehicle, and thus, enabling them to drive their car stress-free.
What is the need for car insurance?
With expanding formal sector employment, increasing disposable income and easy financing solutions, owning a car is no more a distant dream for the Indian households. Vehicle density seen on Indian roads is greater than the carrying capacity of our current road network. Along with this increased vehicle density, the chances of mishaps and accidents have also increased, thereby, increasing the need for car insurance.
Adherence to the law
As per the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988, a minimum of third-party liability cover is mandatory for every vehicle plying on Indian roads. The third-party liability cover is the arrangement between the insured and the insurer wherein the insurer promises to cover the costs of damages or losses incurred to any third party (in lieu of a price called the premium) arising out of the mistake or negligence of the policyholder or first party.
Takes care of your liability
The mandatory third-party motor insurance essentially guards a car owner from the legal, financial, and medical liabilities that he/she can incur in case of an accident or a collision. The third-party liability cover policy takes care of the liability you owe to the aggrieved party, in case of a loss or damage to the property, bodily injury, or disability caused at your fault. However, the third-party insurance does not cover the policyholder for any loss or damage to his/her own car or property in case of an accident or theft.
Reimburses the damage
While a third-party insurance covers the damages inflicted to the third party, a comprehensive car insurance takes care of the damages and losses to your own vehicle as well as damges caused to third party.