Can Humour Be an Antidote to Hurt?

A little wisdom, a little mindfulness, and plenty of humour are all you need to heal your hurt quickly and easily.

Here is how you can easily get rid of those two powerful negative emotions, hurt, and anger, with a dose of laughter.

Respond Hurt with Humour

You might inadvertently depend on your friends and family to make your life happier. After all, they are the people who play an important role in your life. At times, their words and actions will bother you a lot and your emotions will get hurt. You might enter into a sudden state of paralysis where you are unable to understand what went wrong or you might burst out with anger. However, you can deal the situation more maturely with humour without damaging the relation.

For instance, you bought a new dress for your daughter to wear at a close relative's wedding. You might have brought her the best dress that you could afford. However, she might not like it and deny wearing it. As a parent, you will get hurt. But, if you lash out at her in anger, she might not talk to you for a few days or worse never ask you to buy her anything in the future. Why not convert the whole issue into an insignificant one and respond to her with humour?

You can ask her if her father would like this dress. Tell her that you will make him wear the dress instead of her on the wedding. Alternatively, you can also make a funny comparison. Tell her you saw one of her friends wearing the same dress but she did not look good. However, the same will look amazing on her. You will see that your high spirit will pay off. What started as a denial will end up with a laughter and she might agree to wear that for your sake, at least for a day.

Get Rid of Negative Emotions

Whenever you allow yourself to get hurt by someone's actions, you will find yourself engulfed by two powerful emotions - 'hurt' and 'anger'. Both these emotions are extremely negative and will damage both your personality and the relation you share with the other person. The best way to avoid the bout of anger that comes with hurt is to handle the situation with a little mindfulness. Easier said than done, handling hurt requires a lot of understanding and compassion.

It is never easy to organise your thoughts and handle the situation with ease, but you can take your time to let things calm down. You can walk away from an intense argument and let things cool down. You can disconnect the phone, meditate for a minute or two, and then reconnect with the person. These small things open up a wide range of perspectives and your mind comes up with different options to bring peace and handle the issue at hand delicately.

Those Who Laugh, Last!

Someone might have hurt you, or you might be angry with someone, or you might be overwhelmed with the things happening around, yet there are things that can always cheer you up. Find something that will make you laugh. It may not seem like a long lasting solution, but it gives your body enough time to heal. A simple act of laughter can cause your brain to release chemicals that improve your blood circulation, improve your mood, and help you manage your stress.

It's easy to get angry and lash out at someone or pop up an anti-depressant pill every time you feel hurt, but laughter can heal you from within. You cannot control the actions of others that cause you hurt but laughter is an effective treatment that you can do for yourself. So next time someone hurts you, don't lash out at them, instead take time to let things cool down and use humour to respond to the situation.
