How the Moon Affects Your Behaviour

Have you ever wondered that your mood swings could be moon swings? Does the lunar cycle affect your thoughts and emotions?

Read on to discover if there is any truth to the assumed relation between the moon and your behaviour.

The Mysteries of the Moon

Through the years, researches have endeavoured to prove that planetary objects, such as the moon and stars, influence the thoughts and emotions of human beings, as their instinct and personality. Astrology aims to decipher this phenomenon by studying how the nine planets, the sun, and the moon impact various aspects of our life such as relationships, finance, health, and career. The moon, in particular, has been thought to directly influence human emotions, though without conclusive evidence.

The Lunar Effect

The lunar effect has been spoken of in music, poetry, and literature. The complete lunar cycle lasts 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes. The calendar month we use, is derived from the moon's cycle. Since tidal waves are controlled by the moon, marine animals follow circalunar biological rhythms. Some studies have also found that the lunar cycle is related to hormonal changes in birds, fish, and insects. The moon has been postulated to control reproduction and fertility, influences traffic accidents, suicidal or criminal cases, and affects seizures, sleep quality and blood loss.

Increased Sensitivity

The moon is said to possess feminine energies and the frequencies emanating from the same subtly affect our thoughts, emotions, and perception. The moon cycle can cause people to become extremely sensitive - negative, edgy, and cranky.

Heightened Intuition

It is also said that people who possess an intuitive gift, find their abilities sharpening closer to moon cycles. Perception becomes clearer and spiritual energies expand. With the conscious mind becoming activated, sleep patterns also change.

Myths related to the Lunar Effect

Abnormal behaviour has always been linked to the lunar effect. Psychological conditions, such as schizophrenia, have been rumoured to be linked to the lunar cycle. It was once said that violence, aggression, and crime rates increase around the full moon. Other bizarre phenomena associated with the moon's cycle are risk-taking tendencies, alcoholism, political preferences, absenteeism from work, sleepwalking, and werewolves.

Managing the Lunar Effect

There is no scientific proof that the moon causes a certain behaviour change in humans. However, if you have noticed some symptoms arising in tandem with the moon's cycle, you can take some preventive measures. Meditate for 2-3 days before a new moon cycle; this helps release negativity. Spending time in silence and lighting candles helps regularise sleep patterns. It is also advisable to undertake cleansing activities such as salt water baths and drinking plenty of water.

If the lunar effect seems like a palpable influence in your life, follow this routine around the next full moon:

  • Maintain a journal of your moods and feelings throughout the month so you can observe patterns, if any
  • Plan your activities around those patterns to avoid coinciding events with certain mood swings

With a little care and plenty of sleep, you will manage to navigate through any lunar effect that may be applicable to you!