Never Skip Your Breakfast

It's easy to let breakfast fall low on your priority list on a busy morning. But a quick bite can make a difference to your day.

Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and gives you the energy needed to do your daily tasks. Here are a few reasons to stop skipping it.

Boosts Overall Health

Over the years, numerous studies have shown that eating breakfast boosts your overall health. The right breakfast packs you with a necessary nutritional punch that helps you remain active throughout the day. Researchers from Columbia University have found that skipping breakfast or eating late could increase risks of ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. If you find it difficult to have solid foods, you must grab a dish of cereal.

Focus Better

No matter where you are, in a school or at the job, the last thing you want is to lose your focus and mess things up. When your stomach is filled, your mind can concentrate a lot better. As morning is the most productive time of the day, it is important to make the most of it. With a noisy stomach craving for food, you can hardly keep your mind at ease.

Boosts Immune System

The functioning of your immune system depends on the nutrients it receives. A healthy breakfast is a powerhouse of essential nutrients that can significantly boost your immune system. More importantly, the nutrients help in the production of infection-fighting cells that support the immune system. A study found that eating breakfast could lower the risk of colds and flu. Varying the contents of the morning meal is the key to success.

Reduce Morning Crankiness

Morning leads to crankiness in all of us. The feeling of spending more time in bed is common. Adding starvation to it can swing moods and lead to stress. During work, you need to interact with several people. Crankiness and mood swings do not augur well at workplace. Having a decent breakfast will help you deal with both morning crankiness and stress effectively.

Improves Metabolism

During sleep, the body's metabolism slows down due to lack of physical activity. The metabolism rate is the slowest during deep sleep. To jump-start your metabolism for the next day, it is essential to pack yourself with a healthy and nutritious breakfast on the table. Your body will start burning calories from the beginning itself rather than later in the day after lunch.

Prevents Overeating

When you prolong the gap between dinner and the next day's meal, it is natural to end up eating more than you should. When your stomach begins to feel the urge to have food, you will overfill it during lunch. It can make you feel uncomfortable and lead to acid reflux. At the same time, the body needs to burn extra calories that can lead to obesity and other complications.

Helps Lower LDL Cholesterol

When you skip breakfast, your body undergoes a chain reaction that shoots up your LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) or 'bad' cholesterol level that puts your heart at risk. High levels of bad cholesterol collect on the walls of blood vessels leading to blockages. Subsequently, it increases chances of a heart attack. A nutritious breakfast delivers fibre that cleanses your body from bad cholesterol.

Portion Out Meals

When you wake up, you might not feel hungry. However, a balanced breakfast can help you divide your meals for the day. In this manner, you will not be tempted to satisfy your hunger with fatty foods and snacks, whenever you are hungry. This unhealthy habit can lead to ignoring nutrition that will ultimately take a toll on your body in the future.

So, plan your breakfast for the next day right away!
