While the excitement of parenthood may require some time to subside, if you have adequate maternity insurance, you won't have to stress about the associated costs. Couples should consider several other things before and after the baby is delivered. The best insurance plan for pregnancy will also cover the newborn child up to a specific time. Financial protection during pregnancy, pre- and post-natal care, pre- and post-hospitalisation costs, ambulance fees, and delivery costs, regardless of whether you have a normal delivery or a caesarean section, are all advantages of maternity insurance. Therefore, one of the best ways to deal with such costs is to purchase maternity insurance, which many health insurance companies provide.
Features of Maternity Health Insurance
The benefits of purchasing pregnancy insurance online include the following:
• Cashless hospitalisation:
Leading insurance companies offer maternity plans to provide cashless hospitalisation services at hospitals nationwide. At network clinics, you can access medical services without paying for them.
• Claim-free Bonus:
If you do not make a claim during a policy year, some insurance companies will reduce the insurance payment for the following year or increase the amount covered at the same premium. Moreover, insurance companies provide an online application facility to make the process straightforward for policyholders.
• Choice of the covered amount:
Policyholders can choose the insured amount. When purchasing a maternity insurance policy, they can select the desired amount insured.
• Tax benefit:
Section 80D of the Income Tax Act of 1961 allows policyholders to receive tax benefits for insurance premiums paid for pregnancy coverage.
When you are ready to become a parent, maternity insurance coverage is an excellent addition to your healthcare plan. Growing medical inflation and the possibility of unpredictably high hospitalisation costs typically make it challenging to pay for medical expenses and can interfere with parenting pleasure. Therefore, buying maternity insurance is advised for an economically secure pregnancy. You can purchase these insurance policies online, as the process is seamless and easy.
Can You Buy Maternity Health Insurance After Getting Pregnant?
Typically, insurers do not provide maternity coverage as a part of your standard healthcare plan. Insurance companies consider pregnancy and it-s related expenses as a pre-existing condition. However, you can still buy maternity coverage as an add-on with your regular healthcare insurance policy. You might be wondering why you should buy maternity insurance. You might have to wait between 9 months and six years to make a claim for expenses related to becoming a mother. Therefore, purchasing pregnancy insurance after getting pregnant is not a good plan. Instead, consider buying it much ahead in preparation to avoid having to wait.
Unfortunately, inflation has increased the expense of healthcare and will probably continue to do so in the future. This includes maternity-related costs too. Women must buy pregnancy insurance as quickly as they can afford it. By doing this, you can enjoy the arrival of your kid without worrying about expensive medical bills. You can leave that in the care of your insurance provider.
Waiting until the very last minute when attempting to conceive will only lead to unnecessary worry. So, we suggest that you invest in a comprehensive maternity insurance policy well in anticipation. This will also help you complete the waiting period and help you to receive coverage when you start planning for a family.
Importance of Buying Maternity Insurance
The following list includes maternity insurance benefits in India:
• Acting as a Financial Backup:
Maternity insurance is a safety net for the family’s finances by covering the expenses related to normal and caesarean birth. You need not worry regarding the payment of treatment. Some plans include pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses, paying all associated costs up to 30 days before admission and related expenses up to 60 days after admission.
• Expensive delivery in an intimate setting:
People today prefer private clinics because they want high-quality healthcare. Caesarean delivery may cost an additional Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh in a private hospital, while a normal birth may cost Rs 50,000 to Rs 70,000. Your insurer provides all these costs.
• Coverage for the newborn from Day 1:
Typically, health insurance begins to cover infants once they’re at least 90 days old. A maternity insurance policy, however, starts to pay benefits as soon as the child is delivered. In addition, some plans will pay for the newborn's immunisations until the end of the policy year.
• Prepares the couple for complications:
A newborn requires an incubator for a specified time for complications like premature birth. The price of such treatment can reach Rs 10,000 per day. However, if you have a good maternity insurance plan covering most expenses, you can find respite from the financial pressure.