Sesame seeds are oil-rich, tiny seeds that grow inside pods. They are harvested from the Sesame indicum plant. Sesame seeds have been known for their medicinal value since ancient times. They harbour high quantities of oil and have an enticing flavour. Given the rich flavour of sesame seeds, they are used in various dishes – both Indian and international. They also contain some unique phytochemicals that make them good candidates for medicinal use. This article explores the medicinal properties and benefits of sesame seeds, known as ‘til’ in Hindi.
What are the Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds?
The seeds are a good source of fibre and have properties that may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. And that makes them an excellent choice of food to be included in your diet for overall well-being.
- Rich fibre content: Three tablespoons of sesame seeds can fulfill 12% of the daily fibre requirement. Fibre is essential to maintaining good digestive health and reducing the risk of heart-related diseases, diabetes, and cancer.
- Ability to lower cholesterol and triglycerides: Elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides can increase the risk of heart disease. In many studies, consumption of sesame seeds has been found to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- Plant protein source: Proteins play various roles in the body, including muscle building and hormone formation, and are, therefore, essential to maintaining good health. 30 grams of sesame seeds provide approximately 5 grams of protein.
- Reduce blood pressure: The high magnesium content in sesame seeds is essential in controlling blood pressure. Other components, such as lignans, vitamin E, and antioxidants, prevent plaque development and maintain healthy arteries. Other components, such as lignans, vitamin E, and antioxidants, prevent the development of plaque and maintain healthy arteries.
- Maintain bone health: The calcium in the sesame seeds' hull can contribute to maintaining bone health.
- Anti-inflammatory properties: Chronic inflammation can give rise to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart ailments, and kidney problems. Studies have shown that sesame seeds and flaxseeds have anti-inflammatory properties because a compound called sesamin is present in them.
- Rich source of vitamin B complex: Sesame seeds contain some B vitamins. Thiamine, niacin, and vitamin B6 are found in the hull and the seeds.
Sesame seeds also play a crucial role in blood cell formation, controlling blood sugar levels, and are a rich source of antioxidants.