Do planks burn belly fat?
Planking is a useful workout to reinforce posture, stability, and strength in the torso. It serves as a supplement to a comprehensive health regimen comprising a healthy diet, strength training, and cardiovascular workout routines.
Although planking might not always burn stomach fat, acquiring spot reduction with a single exercise may not be possible. This is due to the fact that fat loss is a complicated mechanism factoring in numerous variables.
If you are still pondering, “Do planks reduce belly fat?” the answer is simple. Combining planks with cardiovascular exercises, strength training, high-intensity workouts, and a healthy diet is necessary to maximise their effects.
The proper method, trying out various versions, and regularly increasing the exercise repetitions are all vital to doing planks the right way.
To achieve a positive outcome like losing belly fat, you also need to emphasise lifestyle enhancements along with stress management, regular workout, healthy eating, sound sleep, and consistency in healthy habits.