Diabetes is a metabolic disorder affecting insulin production or the body’s response to insulin, resulting in disruption of blood sugar control. Complications of diabetes include heart disease, eye problems, kidney disease, and nerve disorders, leading to morbidity and mortality over time.
Diabetes mellitus can be of two forms: type 1, or juvenile-onset, which often begins in childhood; and type 2, or adult-onset, which commonly appears after 40 and is linked with insulin resistance. Another condition that affects pregnant women is gestational diabetes, a disorder that causes elevated levels of blood sugar during pregnancy. Read on to learn more about what is diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus explained
Diabetes is a Greek term that means ‘siphon’ or ‘passage.’ But what is mellitus? Mellitus is a Latin word that means ‘sweet.’ This is because it was noticed that the urine of people suffering from diabetes smelled sweet.
- Causes: Insulin, a hormone produced by pancreatic beta cells, regulates glucose uptake for cellular energy. In diabetes, either the production of insulin decreases due to dysfunctional beta cells or cells become insulin-resistant, leading to high blood sugar.
- Symptoms: High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) causes symptoms when levels are around 180 mg/dL or higher. Excess glucose from the blood is removed by the kidneys, resulting in glucose in the urine. This affects water reabsorption, causing frequent urination (polyuria) and thirst (polydipsia). This loss of glucose in the urine causes fatigue, exhaustion, weight loss, and an increase in hunger. Infections, especially in the urinary and vaginal areas, can also occur.
- Complications: Diabetic ketoacidosis is a critical complication of diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, an insulin shortage causes severe hyperglycaemia and increased fat breakdown, releasing fatty acids and ketones. This elevates blood acidity (lowering pH) and creates diabetic ketoacidosis, leading to hyperventilation, impaired brain function, coma, and even death. Urgent treatment with insulin and IV fluids is essential.