Ask any bike lover and you will get more confessions about feelings that a great motorbike can evoke. Riding sure is liberating. But comprehending the mechanics and technical terms involved with the ride can be a daunting task, leaving many of us dazed. Here are a few key biking terms simplified:
1. Four-stroke engine
Engines are the heart of a bike. Your bike comes to life when the pistol in an internal combustion engine completes four strokes. These four strokes involve:

Intake of air and fuel

Compression of air and fuel

Combustion of air and fuel (resulting in its ignition)

Exhaust (involving expelling of mixture)
So, basically the four strokes of intake, compression, power and exhaust constitute one thermodynamic cycle, essential for any bike to function.
2. Cubic Centimeter (CC)
A bike that features a higher CC has a bigger engine, produces more power and definitely goes a lot faster. But, what is CC? Simply put, it is a unit for measuring three dimensional objects - in our case, the fuel-air mixture in the bike. In biking terms, CC is termed as the capacity of the engine to intake this fuel-air mixture. If one rotation of the piston intakes 150 CC, the engine gets known as a '150 CC engine'. That's easy. Isn't it?
3. Fuel Injection
Modern bikes have replaced the ageing carburetor (that had the role of mixing fuel and air) with advanced Fuel Injection technology. This technology blends fuel and air in the right ratio, for optimal results. A balanced mixture is essential to provide maximum fuel charge to the cylinders. Besides, the Fuel Injection technology is also environment friendly; carbureted engines have been known to let out more pollutants as compared to this modern technology.
4. Chassis
The chassis of a bike is a blanket term used to describe the frame, suspension, wheels, brakes and accessories. In other terms it is the skeleton of your bike, within which the engine gets placed and on top of which the body is added. A suspension system comprising of springs and shock absorbers cushion your ride and prevent you from getting affected by minor jolts or bumps. Nowadays most bikes feature tubeless tires and sport Anti-lock Braking System (ABS).
5. ABS
Advanced disc breaking systems are efficient when it comes to stopping the bike quickly. However, this results in locking of wheels that make it difficult to steer or control the bike immediately after applying the brakes. ABS or Anti-lock Braking System is a precautionary mechanism that does not allow the bike to skid in such a situation. ABS aids in stopping the bike and also lends safety to the rider by allowing a certain degree of control to steer the bike, if necessary.
Also don't forget to secure your future and finances with a suitable two-wheeler insurance policy.