The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit India severely. The Delta variant (also call the Indian variant) of the coronavirus, which is believed to be behind the rise of second wave of COVID-19 in India, spreads much faster and can have a very drastic effect on the infected patients. As a result, the positivity rate of coronavirus as well as the mortality rate is much higher this time around. Buy health insurance policy that provides coverage against all hospitalization-related expenses, including coronavirus and black fungus treatment.
Even as India continue to struggle with the impact of COVID-19’s second wave, rising cases of black fungus infection among those recovering from the virus brought fresh concerns for the Government and citizens alike. As per the Central Government’s data, there were about 8,848 cases of black fungus infection in India on 22nd May, 2021. And these figures were spiraling at a rapid rate.
Experts are calling this infection “A Pandemic within Covid-19 Pandemic”. As per the reports, number of people dying due to black fungus infection in India is steadily increasing. From black fungus symptoms, to causes, to its treatment, we have discussed everything you need to know about this disease in this article. Continue reading.
What is Black Fungus?
Also known as Mucormycosis, black fungus disease is a fungal infection which is presently seen in patients who are suffering from COVID-19 with co-morbidities such as HIV/AIDS, uncontrolled diabetes, and Mellitus cancer. If not controlled during its initial stages, black fungus infection can prove to be fatal for the patients.
What causes Black Fungus?
Black fungus or Mucormycosis is basically a rare fungal infection which is caused by a group of moulds or fungus known as Mucormycetes. These moulds are considered separate from plants and animals kingdom, and are found in plants, soil, water, decaying organic matter, and sometimes in animals and humans.
As per the doctors, the primary reason behind the development of fungal infection in a COVID-positive patient is prolonged exposure to moisture during oxygen therapy. Use of ordinary tap water in flow meters of oxygen cylinders are also believed to cause black fungus infection. This can also be triggered due to the use of mould-tainted oxygen pipes and humidifiers.
Who all are at risk?
As per the Ministry of Health, black fungus infection in India is mostly detected amongst people who are recovering or have recovered from the COVID-19 disease. This infection can occur anytime to a coronavirus patient i.e. either during his/her hospital stay or several days to few weeks after discharge.
People who have sinus problems or those who are on medications for lung problems are most susceptible to catch black fungus infection during the treatment of COVID-19. Besides, those who are suffering from diabetes, cancer, blood malignancies, and iron deficiency are prone to this fungal infection.