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How Much Health Insurance Do I Need?

Purchasing medical insurance without first assessing your needs is pointless. You must account for today's doctor consultation fees, critical illness treatment costs, and more

  • 19 Jan 2023
  • 2 min read

Owing to ever-rising inflation, a huge sum of money that appears sufficient today may prove inadequate for the smallest of your needs in the future. In India, everything is becoming more and more expensive, whether it is groceries or the cost of treating minor ailments. In such a scenario, insurance products come in handy.

However, purchasing medical insurance without first assessing your needs is pointless. You must account for today's doctor consultation fees, critical illness treatment costs, and more. How much health insurance do I need? is a valid question and today, we will look into it in detail.

How much health insurance is required for an individual?

 The answer majorly depends on your age. Most adolescents are free of major or minor illnesses. If you are young and work for a company that offers group health insurance, you may choose to insure yourself for a lower sum.

However, if you are over 40 years, your sum insured should be at least 3-5 times your annual income. It means that if you earn ₹6 lakhs per year, coverage ranging from ₹18 lakhs to ₹30 lakhs is ideal.

How much health insurance is needed for a family?

If you are your family's sole breadwinner, it is your responsibility to look after your loved ones. If your family consists of your spouse and two children, you can choose a family floater plan with a sum insured of 3-5%. If you have family group health insurance, you may choose lower coverage if you are on a tight budget.

Health insurance for senior citizens or parents

 People in their old age are more vulnerable to illness. There is also a chance that they have a pre-existing disease or have had major surgery such as a heart bypass in the past. Consider their medical history, current lifestyle, and personal income when deciding on the amount of coverage for senior citizen parents. Remember, the premium for senior citizens is slightly higher than for young people.

What is the right amount of coverage?

 You should decide on coverage after considering your age and the number of dependent members. If you have a spouse over the age of 40 years, dependent children, and dependent parents, the total sum insured should be on the higher side. Other factors to consider include:

  •  Determine potential medical risks. For example, if you have diabetes, you are more prone to heart disease, strokes, and other complications. Always factor in these uncertainties before deciding on the best coverage.
  •  Check to see if the insurer you are considering has network hospitals in your city.
  •  Evaluate the benefits provided by the group health insurance through which you are covered.
  •  Check with your insurance company to see if advanced medical treatments are covered. Read the fine print in the policy brochure to see the provisions relating to the policy's inclusions and exclusions.

All of these parameters not only aid in the selection of the best sum insured, but also in the selection of the best insurer.

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