It is considered the first step to being afflicted with disorders like diabetes, some cancers, heart diseases, strokes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and gout, among others, which could potentially necessitate coverage under various health insurance plans. Scientifically, anybody whose bodyweight is 20% higher than normal is considered obese. In terms of BMI (Body Mass Index), anything over 30 is considered obese. The most common cause of obesity in the current generation is the sedentary lifestyle we lead. Poor dietary and lifestyle choices lead to obesity and eventually towards the plethora of related illnesses.
How Can You Avoid Obesity?
We are always advised to "eat less" to avoid being obese. But we need to understand that "what" to eat is more important than "how much" you eat. A balanced diet consumed in limited portions at regular intervals throughout the day is the key to an optimal weight.
So, what are the foods you should avoid? Are there any "Don'ts" to follow? Let's take a look at them.
Refined Sugars and HFCS: Let's face it. Our body does not need white sugar. Our body needs carbohydrates, yes, but not in the form of refined white sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup or HCFS (found in processed sweet foods, like soft drinks, breakfast cereals and bars, pastries, etc).
Our body can take up carbs from the grains and cereals that we eat. Simple sugars will result in a spike in insulin levels and give your body empty calories, sans the nutrients. In the absence of equivalent physical activity to burn up these extra calories, the carbs will be converted into fats and stored in the body.