Premature atrial contractions (PACs) are extra heartbeats that are occasional but ones that can interfere in the way of the heart's normal rhythm. The symptoms of premature atrial contractions may or may not be noticed. These contractions are experienced by adults aged 50 and above.
What are the Treatments for Premature Atrial Contractions?
As per experts, most people with premature atrial complications do not require any treatment. Such contractions that occur occasionally and without any specific reason do not pose a threat if they are not related to any underlying heart problems.
In such cases, your doctor can ask you to limit your alcohol intake, stop using drugs, quit smoking, get some physical exercise, reduce stress levels, etc.
Treatment for PACs is provided to those individuals who complain of contractions that have begun interfering with their quality of life. Premature atrial complications treatment includes:
This medicine helps regulate abnormal heartbeats.
Calcium channel blockers:
This medicine also helps regulate abnormal beats.
Anti-arrhythmic medication:
The third type is anti-arrhythmic medication.
Certain procedures are recommended for those patients who do not respond to the medications. The procedures used in the atrial premature complex treatment are:
Catheter ablation:
It is a minimally invasive procedure wherein the doctor inserts a catheter through the artery into the heart using X-ray imaging. The tissues causing irregular heartbeats are identified by the electrodes placed at specific locations. The electrodes burn these tissues to form scar tissue to prevent further contractions.
Pulmonary vein isolation:
This type of catheter ablation mainly aims at treating atrial fibrillation. It targets and burns the heart muscles near the pulmonary veins. The scarring has proven to halt premature atrial contractions.
Premature atrial contractions treatment includes both medicines and procedures for those who show severe symptoms. PACs occur occasionally and do not have any serious impact on the health of the individual. For those who have other underlying heart problems, such as atrial fibrillation, treatment can help lower the chances of complications. At the same time, remember to purchase health insurance as it provides coverage in times of medical crises and alleviate tension, especially regarding finances.