Keep Left
Similar to India, Seychelles also follows left hand driving with vehicles having right hand steering so ensure you keep to the left side while driving. The roads of Seychelles are narrow and one-laned so make sure you give first preference to vehicles on right.
Keep Speed limit in mind
The speed limit of Seychelles is 40 km/h in cities and areas with heavy pedestrian traffic while its 60 km/h on open roads and highways. Locals driving in Seychelles are rough and aggressive, they over take suddenly and do not respect traffic laws so it is important you stay vigilant while driving.
Avoiding Driving at night
The roads of Seychelles are narrow with steep hairpin curves and steep mountainous slopes. A lot of roads even lack street lights which makes it difficult to drive post sunset. The cars available in Seychelles are also not equipped with GPS navigation which is why it is not advisable to drive in Seychelles at night.
Follow these tips and drive safely in Seychelles. Before you plan your holiday, make sure you purchase an overseas travel insurance online along with your Seychelles visa. A Seychelles travel insurance will protect you against any accident or loss of passport or luggage that may happen on your trip.