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3 Problems only Indian motorists can understand

Indian motorists are nothing short of daredevils. In the west, there are riders who dedicate themselves live by the road and die by it.

  • 03 Nov 2015
  • 2 min read

 However, in the Indian scenario, this seems true for anyone who lays his hands, or for that matter legs on a vehicle.

Deep potholes, malfunctioning signals, unruly fellow drivers, erroneous pedestrians, persistent roadside hawkers and beggars, all this and much more add to the daily daredevilry of Indian motorists. Here are some common problems only an Indian motorist can empathize:

Inadequate road systems

India's road network is among the most extensive in the world, stretching across 48,65,000 km and 1324 km expressways (2014 statistics). Unfortunately, it is also among the toughest to navigate. Improper planning and poor execution leave well-publicized roads and highways unable to cope with more than a modicum of use. Sketchy repairs and poor maintenance add to the woes.

Adequate planning precedes any modern town or city. Unfortunately and significantly, various factors are at play leading to unplanned haphazard development, with even major cities being connected only by 2-3 arterial roads. The huge increase in the number of motor vehicle owners compounds the issue. The resultant gap between expectation and reality leaves the end-user, the motorist, facing truly testing times.

Indiscipline on roads

Motorists make it worse for themselves and others by not adhering to rules, with the argument that in today's world there is no room for latecomers, as a lame justification to compromise on safety. This warped logic only adds to other motorists' problems.

A damaging statistic shows that most road accidents in India occur during the so-called rush hour, when people are in a hurry or fatigue and limited attention spans distract them. For the pedestrian, who has to rely on public transport and battered footpaths, the chance to thumb already sketchy road-rules is a natural temptation. In addition, the footpaths are often encroached by street vendors - another aggressive institution peculiar to India. At the receiving end of such 'inter-turf wars' is the Indian motorist.M

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Rule Discrepancies

Different rules in different states, e.g. check posts and resultant bottlenecks, etc. can become major irritants. Even in the same city, far-flung areas can be subject to different rules, which add to congestion.

Driving tests for procuring license are also not stringent. Not all motorists have enough road sense to cope with difficult driving conditions. While some may be underage, others may be inexperienced to drive under real road scenarios, making it difficult for other motorists. The measures to curb these are soft. What's more, in addition to vehicles and bullock carts, cattle herds are also common on many roads. Finally, the use of roads as parking spaces that impedes the flow of traffic is the last straw on the motorist's back.

Driving may be a necessity in most cities in India until public transport systems improve. Therefore, reduce the risk by getting motor insurance for your vehicle, not just because it's mandatory, but also to safeguard your finances in case of mishaps. Look for a car insurance policy that provides adequate coverage.

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