Car insurance companies use their algorithms based on your personal information and company claim data to determine your policy rates. Knowing what factors affect your premium rates can help you make a more informed decision when purchasing insurance. The rule of thumb is to choose a policy that perfectly balances the coverage amount with the premium amount.
Here are the factors that play a crucial role in determining your car insurance premium:
1. Model of the Vehicle
Insurance companies will charge you a higher premium if you are going to insure your Ferrari. Technically, the insurance premium depends on the value of your vehicle, which is termed as Insured Declared Value (IDV). Besides the model, the vehicle size is also a deciding factor in car insurance premium rates. Big cars like SUVs are generally safer than small cars in accidents. Additionally, large cars with similar safety ratings as small cars have lower premium rates. Engine to body size ratio also impacts premium rates. For example, insurance for a car that comes with a V8 engine costs more than a small car with a V4 engine.
2. Manufacturing and Registration Dates
The manufacturing year and registration date of the vehicle are also taken into account to decide insurance premium rates. So the older the car, the higher the premium you will have to pay. A car is a depreciating asset which means as your car gets older, repair costs increase since spare parts get harder to find.
3. Purpose of the Vehicle
The manufacturing year and registration date of the vehicle are also taken into account to decide insurance premium rates. So the older the car, the higher the premium you will have to pay. A car is a depreciating asset which means as your car gets older, repair costs increase since spare parts get harder to find.
4. Gender & Age
According to statistics, young males are more prone to accidents than female teenagers. So, young men usually incur higher premium rates than young women. The premium rates get stabilized once you reach the age of 25. However, older men generally have cheaper premium rates than women.
5. Marital Status
According to the study, marital status is almost as significant in car insurance premium rates as age and gender. On an average, a married 22-year-old pays lesser premium than a single 20-year-old for the same policy. Premium differences between married and unmarried drivers drop off significantly as they get older. Notably, a marriage will generally qualify you for a healthy discount on your car insurance premium. The important downside is that insurance companies will factor both spouses’ driving records when creating the quote. If the person you marry has multiple accidents or citations, you may end up paying higher premiums.
6. Personal Driving Behavior
If you have been involved in accidents or have made previous claims, the insurance company will infer that you are more likely to make another claim. If you have a bad driving record, the company might even deny you insurance altogether. Other personal details that affect your premium rates include the purposes you use the car for, the distance you drive. You might be able to get a discount on your premiums if you don’t use your car every day for work.