While it is important that you read the policy wordings carefully, and understand the meaning in its entirety, here are a few basic terms that will simplify the task and help you take an informed decision.
Insured Declared Value (IDV)
Need : IDV is the current market value of your vehicle.
Benefits :In a vehicle insurance policy, IDV refers to the highest sum assured payable by the insurer. It is the claim amount you are likely to receive in case of a total loss of the vehicle or an instance of theft.
Remember :Opting for a lower IDV might result in the owner of a vehicle receiving an inadequate compensation.
Own Damage Premium
Need :This is the premium paid to avail a cover equal to the IDV, and forms the major part of your total motor insurance premium.
Benefits : Own Damage Premium covers your vehicle against losses due to natural or man-made calamities like earthquake, storm, fire, explosion, etc.
Remember : Own Damage Premium depends on the model, cubic capacity, geographical zones, etc. of the vehicle.
Zero Depreciation Cover
Need : When you make a claim, standard insurance policies deduct depreciation on replaced parts.
Benefits : If you opt for a Zero Depreciation cover, insurance companies waive off depreciation on such replaced parts. This means that you get a higher claim amount.
Remember : It is generally applicable for the first few claims as per the terms of insurance.