Insurance generally offers basic coverage along with the option to purchase add-ons for enhanced protection. In India, different types of car insurance coverage are available; out of which, we will focus on third-party liability coverage in this blog and address your question, “Is third party insurance mandatory?”
What does third-party car insurance mean?
Let’s address the main question first, “Is third party insurance mandatory?” Yes, it is a mandatory requirement to legally drive on the road. Third-party insurance is also known as "act-only cover”. It is a type of liability insurance that protects vehicle owners from claims made by third parties. With this insurance, you are shielded from compensating third parties for any losses or injuries they experience in an accident involving your vehicle.
Why is third-party insurance mandatory?
Let’s now look into the reason why this particular type of car insurance is compulsory for all vehicles.
In situations where every vehicle on the road has third-party insurance, you would see accident victims receiving appropriate compensation without straining their finances. Likewise, if you were responsible for an accident, you wouldn't have to face significant financial setbacks, as the insurance policy would handle the situation. Although the ideal scenario involves all vehicles having third-party liability insurance, about 54% of vehicles plying on Indian roads are uninsured. Consequently, many innocent accident victims find themselves footing the bill for medical treatments or repairs out of their own pockets. This highlights the critical need for mandatory third-party car insurance.