Lemon is a popular fruit that contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. It has the nutrients that support your cardiovascular health and protect you from anaemia, kidney stones, digestive issues, and cancer. Using lemon in small quantities in each food adds flavours such as baked foods, drinks, sauces, and desserts. Vitamin C is essential for everyone's health, which lemon contains in it.
What are the different benefits of lemon?
The significant benefits of lemon consumption are:
- Lemon is a high source of vitamin C, which are antioxidants. The antioxidants help in removing radicals from the damaged cells of the body.
- It stores other vitamins such as Vitamin B6, copper, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, and phosphorus.
- Lemon nutrients help in preventing diseases of heart, kidney stones, digestive issues, cancer diseases, and others.
- It helps in boosting the immune system of the body.
- Lemon helps in controlling the weight.
1. Heart health
Lemons contain vitamin C and antioxidants, which help keep the heart healthy and prevent heart stroke. One lemon has 31 mg of vitamin C, which is 51% of daily intake. Also, consuming lemon juice reduces high blood pressure.
Lemon contains plant compounds such as diosmin and hesperidin, which help lower cholesterol. When you include lemon in your daily diet, it makes your heart healthy.
According to a study, eating 24 grams of citrus fibres daily in the form of lemon reduces the total cholesterol level.
2. Prevent kidney stones
Kidney stones are built in the body when a waste product crystallises in the kidney.
The citric acid in lemon prevents kidney formation by increasing urine volume and urine pH. Drink ½ cup of lemon juice every day to prevent kidney stones formation.
Lemon juice contains hydroxycitrate, which can break up stones. As a result, stones can easily pass from the urinary tract.
Lemon juice is an effective way to relieve kidney stone pain. To reduce kidney stone pain, drink ¼ cup of lemon juice, virgin olive oil, and water.
3. Control weight
Lemon is considered a weight-loss fruit with a particular theory associated with it.
One standard theory is that lemon contains soluble pectin fibre, which helps you feel complete in your stomach. Additionally, when you drink lemon water with the meals, it decreases hunger and satisfies your stomach.
Another theory is that drinking lemon daily with hot water helps lose weight. Also, it helps in boosting your metabolism.
According to research, one theory is that plant compounds in lemon prevent weight gain in the body.
4. Protect from Anemia
Anaemia occurs when the red blood cycle doesn’t receive enough oxygen in the bloodstream. As a result, a person faces fatigue and shortness of breath. Lemon holds in Vitamin C, which helps in iron absorption and prevents anaemia from occurring in the body.
Women who follow a vegetarian diet have a high risk of anaemia. Also, women undergo a menstruation cycle, so there is a chance of anemia. A woman should drink lemon water daily to absorb iron in the body to prevent anaemia.
5. Helps reduce cancer Risk
Lemon contains abundant naringin and hesperidin antioxidant compounds that prevent cancer cell formation. Also, a study says that plant compounds hesperidin and beta-cryptoxanthin prevent cancer. Lemon contains citric acid, which supports your immunity system and reduces inflammation.
Drinking lemon juice and eating will not help with cancer. Instead of that, add it to the daily diet. Add a bit of lemon pulp in the smoothie, lemon juice on fish, and a bit of lemon zest on baked foods, as lemon contains Vitamin C and other nutrients.
6. Improves Digestion
Lemon has the primary fibre, Pectin, which is insoluble. Pectin helps in the slow digestion system, which reduces the blood sugar level. It is helpful for diabetic patients.
Another benefit of pectin in health is that it prevents diarrhoea and improves digestion. Also, it protects from heartburn. However, to get the benefits of lemon juice, take care that pulp is in juice because it contains fibre. Drinking lemon juice with pulp improves your digestion system.
7. Lower Stroke Risk
The main reason for stroke is the sudden blood loss in the brain. Stroke is the second most significant cause of death in India. It is recorded that in 4 minutes, one person dies from a stroke, according to The Economic Times.
Lemon contains citric acid, which reduces the risk of stroke. Also, lemon protects against inflammation and oxidative stress that cause brain damage and cardiovascular conditions. The flavonoids in lemon protect the blood vessels of the brain. Drinking lemon juice daily is one way to prevent stroke and other neurological issues.