Things To Know About Solutions For Oral Rehydration
Oral rehydration solutions can act as a replacement of water and other important salts in the body. They are convenient to administer and can eliminate severe consequences of dehydration.
How To Make An Oral Rehydration Solution At Home
Whether you are struggling with a stomach infection or coming back from a workout, knowing how to rehydrate with an oral dehydrating solution is vital to getting back to normal.
You do not always have to buy a prepared oral rehydration salt solution. Preparing oral rehydration solutions at home is easy and efficient. Here’s a basic recipe:
- Dissolve 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt into one litre of drinking water.
- Stir until fully dissolved.
- Add 1/2 cup of orange juice or mashed banana for potassium and improved taste.
Surprisingly, this homemade oral rehydration solution can be as effective as the store-bought ones. This is one of the easiest and most affordable methods of combating dehydration within a short period.
Just keep in mind that precise measurement is very important. Excessive intake of sugar can aggravate the condition of diarrhoea, and excessive salt use can be damaging. If you’re unsure of the measurement, the best oral rehydration solution always comes in a pack.
However, if the cases are severe, one should seek the help of a doctor. They might advise particular oral rehydration therapy solutions.
Oral rehydration therapy should be part of your care regimen. The solution is to either purchase oral rehydration treatment from a store or prepare it at home. If you are prone to the debilitating effects of dehydration, it is best to acquire a comprehensive health insurance policy that can cover the cost of frequent rehydration treatments.