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How to Prepare Your Bike for Monsoon?

Monsoon has arrived and the heavens have opened their doors. Intermittent showers with heavy rains ensure that the roads are beaten up and riddled with potholes.

  • 13 Jun 2017
  • min read

Follow these tips to make riding in the rain a lot easier and safer

Monsoon has arrived and the heavens have opened their doors. Intermittent showers with heavy rains ensure that the roads are beaten up and riddled with potholes. The rainy season is difficult for commuters and during these months, a bike must be kept in top-notch condition for glitch-free performance. Here are some suggestions that will make riding in this demanding season an effortless and safe affair.

Maintenance Check

Unless you prefer your bike to stall in the middle of heavy rains on a waterlogged street, this check is necessary. During rains, the mechanical, and the electrical equipment are prone to malfunction due to water seepage. Taking your bike for routine servicing before the arrival of monsoon will keep you steed fighting fit, even in the heaviest of downpours.


Since tyres are the only part of the vehicle actually in contact with the road, their well-being cannot be overstated. Ensure that there is enough tread for them to grip the road. Use a one-rupee coin to gauge the tread. This is done by inserting it in the grooves of the tyre; if the coin goes in by 3 mm, then that much rubber is enough for traction on wet roads. If the tread is worn off and the tyre is smooth, then you will have to replace it.


Brakes are the next most important component that needs to be looked at after the tyres. Brakes ensure stopping power, which is critically required in the rains. Check your brakes for worn out liners or brake pads, as they will not do a good job during braking. It is wise to get your brakes checked, cleaned, and replaced (if necessary) by your trusted mechanic before the onset of monsoon. You should also look at the level of brake oil to get best performance.


A bike is only as good as the one riding it, so the rider also needs to have proper gear before taking the bike out for a spin. A protective gear that is appropriate for the rains should be used. Waterproof jacket, gloves, helmets, and kneepads are essential for keeping the rider dry and warm. If the rider is comfortable, he will have better focus and concentration to take on the surprises the roads can throw during the rains.

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Even while stationary, the bike needs to be protected. Keep your ride parked in a spot away from the rains. Do not leave it uncovered in the rains or on an open spot where a falling tree can get to it, or if not, at least corrosion will. If you can, try to clean the muck and dirt off the engine after the ride, as they can dry later on and hinder with the cooling of the engine. A lot of pebbles and gravel from the road surface gets kicked up during rains, so it is prudent to check the oil chamber and engine casing for any damage.

In spite of all care, things can and do wrong on the road during rain. Protect your motorcycle with two-wheeler insurance to enjoy long pleasant rides during monsoon worry free.

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