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Tested COVID-19 positive during pregnancy? Here’s what you can do

Coronavirus during pregnancy can be risky for both – mother and the unborn child. Here’s what you can do to keep yourself and your baby safe.

  • 17 Nov 2021
  • min read

India, went through a tough time during the second wave of coronavirus. The symptoms experienced by the infected patients were much more severe this time around. In fact, during the second wave of coronavirus in India, a greater number of middle-aged people (those who are aged between 30 to 50 years) and pregnant ladies got infected.

As per a recent study by Oxford University, pregnant ladies who are COVID-19 positive and their unborn babies might face a higher risk of complications than what was known previously. Women with co-morbidities are at an even higher risk. In many cases, the virus affects the unborn baby by reducing the amniotic fluid around it.

However, that doesn’t mean there is a need for panic. Not every pregnant woman, who is infected with the coronavirus, faces the same symptoms. Though, there could be some complications during the advanced stages of pregnancy as the immunity of a mother becomes weak during this time, mild cases of COVID-19 during pregnancy can be tackled at home with proper diet, rest, and exercise. Securing yourself with Health Insurance that covers covid-19 will be the best solution you have.

In case you’re pregnant and have tested positive for COVID-19, here’s what you should do to keep yourself and your baby safe.

1. Take all necessary precautions and follow Covid-safety protocols

We all know that prevention is better than cure. Make sure you are following all COVID-safety protocols laid down by the Government. It includes practicing social distancing, staying away from public places, and avoiding meeting anyone who has possible COVID-19 symptoms. Also, wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizers whenever you touch any high-contact surface.

It’s understandable that as a pregnant lady, you can’t avoid going out completely. You might have to visit your gynecologist or go out for antenatal activities. However, whenever you step out of your home, don’t forget to wear your mask, and take hand sanitizer with you.

2. Don’t panic and stay positive

Even if you’ve tested positive for coronavirus during your pregnancy, there is no need to panic. Don’t run immediately for hospitalisation as mild cases of COVID-19 can easily be cured at home with a few precautions and medications. Take proper rest and have a healthy diet.

Another thing is you should stay as happy and positive as possible. This will not only provide you the strength to fight with the disease but also keep your child in a good shape.

3. Isolate yourself. Get teleconsultation with your doctor

It’s obvious that you would never want someone else in your family to get infected with the virus and suffer. The first thing you need to do when you notice the coronavirus symptoms in yourself is to get isolated. Do not let anyone enter your room except if there’s an emergency.

Take regular teleconsultations with your doctor. Follow his/her advice strictly while taking your medicines. Keep checking your body temperature and blood’s oxygen saturation level every three to four hours. In case you notice anything adverse, inform your doctor immediately. Do not self-medicate in any case.

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4. Take Vitamin D and zinc supplements

What you eat and drink during your pregnancy affects not only your health but also your baby’s health. Hence, it’s important to have a healthy diet during this period. Your diet must include protein and fibre-rich foods such as fruits and leafy vegetables. Vitamin D and zinc supplements are also necessary for your body to fight against the coronavirus.

It’s common for COVID-positive mothers to lose their appetite. However, it’s necessary for you to keep eating small portions at frequent intervals. This will supply essential nutrients to your body which is required to tackle the effects of Covid-19.

5. Take extra precautions during the third trimester

As per the doctors, coronavirus infection can bring in complications for expecting mothers during advanced stages of their pregnancy. So, if you’re in the third trimester of your pregnancy, you need to be much more careful and take extra precautions.

If you notice any adverse symptoms such as high fever, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, extreme weakness, etc., do inform your doctor immediately and get hospitalized if he/she recommends. Sometimes, doctors may even advice pre-mature delivery to mitigate the risk of coronavirus on mother as well as baby.

6. Keep safe distance with your baby after its birth

There is no evidence as of now to prove that coronavirus can be transmitted to the child inside the mother’s womb. However, after its birth, the new-born baby can contract the virus from its mother. Therefore, it’s prudent for you to keep safe distance with your baby after its birth until you test negative for the virus.

However, you can breastfeed your child with proper sanitization and masking. You can also extract the milk using a breast pump and give it to someone else to feed the baby through a bottle.

Bottom line

In most cases, Covid-19 during pregnancy can be treated and cured at home like a normal flu. It is not found to have any detrimental effects on expecting mother and baby’s health. However, in some cases, pregnancy and Covid-19 can become complicated. So, you need to be aware of the disease and its symptoms and take proper care of yourself if you feel that you’re infected.

You should also procure a Corona Kavach Policy to protect yourself from hefty financial losses that you may incur, should you need to get hospitalized due to Covid-19.

ICICI Lombard also provides health insurance plans like Family Health Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Health BoosterArogya Sanjeevani Policy, Corona Kavach Policy which offers people with the much needed financial backup during any medical emergencies.

  • Health Insurance
  • COVID-19 health insurance
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