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5 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Program Doesn't Work

April 15 2015

Simple rules that will allow you to identify the issues


Most diets push you to eat less

Now, while dieting is supposed to be a time-bound activity, most of us are perennially on diet. Somehow, it never seems to work. While there might be several reasons why you are unable to lose weight, here are the five common issues that you can address:

1. Over-restrictive Diets - The Psychology of Dieting

Over-restrictive diets tend to be a major barrier in achieving your weight loss goals. Too many restrictions may cause you to feel deprived. This tends to give rise to negative feelings about food, which in turn could trigger a diet-overeat or a diet-binge cycle leading to weight gain.

2. Short Term Benefits of Fad Diets - What They Actually Do

In 2012, researchers found evidence to suggest that short-term dieting results in increased cases of weight gain.


Fad diets, consisting of various combinations, emphasize the intake of certain food groups while completely neglecting the others. These diets provide temporary and possibly quicker weight loss but have no regard to permanent weight maintenance.

They often come with side effects of excluding essential food groups. For instance, certain fad food plans consisting of low crab can trigger painful gout attacks.

3. Diet foods can be harmful to your body - You actually must avoid these

For instance, diet sodas and protein powders. Diet sodas that claim to be calorie free, contain artificial sweetener called aspartame that can do more harm to the body than normal sodas. In fact, studies reveal that even a single can of diet soda can substantially increase the risk of multiple myeloma (a form of blood cancer) in men.

Protein powders may cause muscle gain but come with the risk of excess protein intake. This in turn may cause sugar levels to rise and increase the risk of cancer. Excessive protein intake may also cause chronic dehydration due to excess waste removal from the kidneys.

4. Extreme diet plans are unhealthy and have short-term benefits

There are many plans that are extreme in their design. These may cause extreme weight loss in comparatively short time. Such diets for quick weight loss usually backfire when you either cannot stick to it or try to go back to a normal diet.

Some of these diets although effective initially, can result in weight loss through muscle loss rather than fat. This is caused due to inadequate protein and essential amino acids intake. They are more often a health nuisance and can cause irreparable damage to the body. With no sustaining strategy, these plans bring you back to your old habits and weight gain becomes inevitable.

5. Diet programs, magic pills and the myths they propagate


Diet pills

Myths surround most of your diet programs and food habits; for instance:
- All fats are bad
- Skipping meals and eating late have no connection to weight gain
- It is not when you eat, but what you eat that matters
- Walking an hour a day is the solution to weight gain
- Pills and potions can get you in shape


Concept of healthy, sustainable diet

In Conclusion, What might Work for you...

The first step is to understand why your weight loss program fails. Next, work your goals in a healthier way. Find a balanced diet plan that includes all the essential food groups. Also, don't forget to safeguard your future with health insurance policy.

Striking a balance between diet and exercise is essential. Reinforce your diet with a positive mindset and develop sustainable and regular habits. Becoming and staying fit is a lifestyle decision and not a quick-fix solution.

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