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International Tourists Inflow across Globe Grow by 5.7%

May 18 2012

International tourist influxes universally raised by 5.7% in the first 2 months of 2012 as compared to the similar period of last year. The demand is strong in advanced as well as emerging economy destinations. This is good news as despite economic constraints in most of the source marketplaces of Europe and entire North America, global tourist influxes exceeded 131 million in the first 2 months of 2012. This is up from 124 million in the same period in the year 2011 as per the May issue of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.

During the initial months of 2012, progress was positive in all parts, the only exception is the Middle East (-1 percent), where there were however inspiring signs of recovery for example in Egypt (+32% in the first quarter). Other parts such as South-East Asia and South Asia (both at +10 percent) commanded progress by sub-region.

Asia in conjunction with the Pacific witnessed about 7 per cent raise in tourist influxes, managed by South Asia and South-East Asia (both +10 percent). The North-East Asia (+6 percent) recorded higher progress too, with advents to Japan up by nearly 10 percent in the first quarter. The America also stated substantial growth (+6 percent). It is driven by the non-stop solid demand in Central America (+7 percent) and South America (+8 percent).

The performance of Europe is an extension of an already rock-solid 2011, when worldwide influxes augmented by 6 percent global to over 500 million. Request has held up surprisingly well in the comparatively mature advanced economy destinations of Northern, Western and parts of Southern and Central Europe, despite continued concerns about the economy.

As stated by the forecast arranged by UNWTO at the start of the year, worldwide traveller influxes are projected to escalate by about 3 percent to 4 percent in 2012.

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