An effective and mindful method of tidying
Do you tidy your home taking up an entire weekend and then promise yourself you will never mess it up again, only to land in the same situation a few weeks down the road? Has this cycle been continuing for years? Are you tired of it yet?
Marie Kondo, the worldwide bestselling author of the book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying’, is here to the rescue with traditional Japanese art of decluttering homes. If you follow it with an open-mind, you will never have to tidy your home again.
Tidy All at Once
Depending on your house and your schedule, the KonMari method of decluttering may take you anywhere between a few hours to six months. You don’t have to do it at one stretch but once you start, you have to systematically go through every nook and corner of your home. You can’t choose and pick which room you want to tidy. This method proposes one epic cleaning.
Tidy by Category, Not Location
In the KonMari method, cleaning is to be category-specific and not location based. For instance, if you start with clothes, then clean every drawer or closet you have stored clothes in, whether it’s in the bedroom or the bathroom.
Follow the Right Order
According to Kondo, most of us hoard things because of two emotional reasons, to preserve the past and because of a fear of the future. To make the decluttering process easier, Kondo has provided a very specific order: clothes, books, papers, miscellany (items of the kitchen, bathroom, kids, general, decor, etc.) and mementos.
Lay Everything Out
You need to lay out all the items of the category you’re tidying on the floor in front of you. Don’t stack the items, but spread them out individually
Ask Yourself if it Sparks Joy
Once you’ve laid everything out on the floor, take each item in your hand, study it and think how that item makes you feel. Ask yourself the question, ‘Does this spark joy?’ Kondo says, “Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.”
Discard First
Before you start keeping back the things you have decided to keep, you must discard the things you no longer need. Discard before you re-store. Once you’ve gone through the Marie Kondo method, you will see a significant change in not just your space but also in your state of mind.
Home Insurance is your Cherished Abode’s Shield
To protect your beloved home, with all the things close to your heart, getting home insurance is a must. It will ensure that your home as well as all the things that spark joy to you and your family are safeguarded through the uncertainties of life.
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