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Insurance Article

The Do’s and Don’ts When in a Thunderstorm

May 14 2018

Know how to stay safe during a thunderstorm

Rain is a beautiful phenomenon but when a thunderstorm alert is issued, it is deadly. The sound of thunder while in itself is very frightening, it causes no harm. However, the lightning that accompanies it is a major source of danger.

There are many myths widely circulated like ‘lightning never strikes the same place twice’, which are absolutely false. But don’t fret, here’s a list with all the important do’s and don’ts you need to know when in a thunderstorm.

What to Do

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Preparing an emergency kit for a thunderstorm means preparing disaster and survival essentials. Water, non-perishable food, a flashlight with extra batteries, first-aid supplies, sleeping bags and blankets, and toiletries are a must.

Secure Your House and Surroundings

Before the storm, bring in your pets and discard broken or rotting branches of trees. Fix whatever needs repairs in your house and don’t leave any objects loose that could cause damage.

Stay Updated

Be in the loop of what’s happening. Watch news on TV, read newspapers and listen to the radio. Keep up with the updates of the weather to stay informed.

Remain Indoors for at Least 30 Minutes After the Last Strike

Even if the storm dies out, don’t immediately rush outside. Stay indoors for at least thirty minutes after the last lightning strike. The longer you wait, the better it is.

What Not to Do

Don’t Touch Metal or Electrical Things

During a thunderstorm, don’t unplug any devices or touch any electrical outlets. Don’t use corded telephones, microwaves, computers, televisions or air conditioners. Stay away from metal objects and make sure to not touch plumbing pipes.

Don’t Be in Water

If you’re out in a swimming pool, beach, lake - get out of the water. Even if you’re in your house, don’t use running water. Don’t wash utensils or your hands. During a thunderstorm, do not shower or a bath. Metal pipes that water runs through are excellent conductors of electricity. You want to stay as away from water as possible during a lightning storm.

Don’t Take Shelter Under a Tree

Taking shelter under a tree during a thunderstorm is a very bad choice. Lightning strikes tall objects. In case the tree you’re taking shelter under gets struck, you too can be struck or injured. Stay away from trees.

Don’t Be Near Windows

Shut all the windows and stay away from them. Try to be in the inner rooms of the house. A window provides a direct opening for lightning to strike.

Now you know everything you need to, to remain safe in the coming months of weather uncertainty. In spite of these safety measures, thunderstorms cause a large number of casualties due to accidents too, which is why getting accident insurance is essential to protect oneself and their loved ones.

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