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Insurance Article

Things to Know Before Buying a Used Motorcycle

June 19 2015

Used motorbikes are a hot-selling property on online shopping portals. The cost advantages of a used motorcycle make it a popular choice with bike-riders today.

But many people who have jumped onto this bandwagon have come to realize that buying a used motorbike can become a daunting experience. Many such bike-owners end up with stolen bikes. Some discover defects in the future performance of the bike.

Here are some pointers to save you from such problems while buying a used motorbike.

Check its History

Investigate the history of the vehicle

Ignoring the history of the vehicle is one of the major mistakes buyers make. Check the maintenance records (service book) as well - a serviced bike is worth its weight in gold.

Find out the distance (number of kilometers run) covered by the motorcycle. Check the insurance policy to find out the claims history of the vehicle. This will help you in finding out whether the vehicle has been involved in an accident.

Condition of Vehicle


Examine the motor cycle closely

Check the frame of the motorcycle to look for dents. Look for scratches on its body and signs of accidents.

Though scratches are common with used motor-cycles, it helps you judge the price that you need to pay. Check tires, oil, lights, indicators and all other accessories. If you have any doubts, clarify them immediately.

Test ride

Take a test ride to get a feel of the motorcycle. Keep the following points in mind.

Scrutinize documents

1. Operate all the different controls - brake, accelerator, headlights and gears.

2. Drive the motorbike in all possible road conditions - slopes, straight road and curves.

3. Find out if there is too much smoke coming out of the exhaust.

Ownership Documents

Only buy a used motorcycle from its original owner or you could risk becoming an unsuspecting owner of a stolen motorbike.

Check documents of ownership and registration. These include registration certificate, insurance policy, loan documents, road tax receipt, etc.

The Final Frontier

Discover new horizons after buying the bike

After going through all the trials and tribulations of research, you would be in a position to gauge the fair price of your potential family member. Negotiate the deal well to avoid over-paying. Ensure that you complete all legal formalities including documentation.

Also, don't forget to secure your ride with a suitable two-wheeler insurance policy. You can look forward to a long partnership with the motorbike when it passes all the above tests. If it fails? Well, move on to the next one!

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