Known Loss
A loss about which the insured and/or the insurer is aware at the time when insurance is effected.
A ship's unit of speed - a nautical mile (i.e. generally 6080 feet - 1.151 statue miles or 1853 metres) per hour.
Knock-For-Knock Agreement
In relation to Motor insurance, agreement between two or more insurers to the effect that in the event of collision between two motor vehicles insured with two of them separately, each insurer will bear the loss with regard to the vehicle insured with them without going into the cause of which vehicle has caused the collision.
There is however no effective implementation of this agreement by the insurers because of various reasons.
Kindred Perils
Perils of the same kind.For example burglary & robbery, storm & hurricane.
The term, used in energy risks, refers to the following:
1. In drilling, to prevent a threatened blowout by taking suitable preventive measures (For example to shut in the well with the blowout preventers, circulate the kick out, and increase the weight of the drilling mud)
2. In production, to stop a well from producing oil and gas so that reconditioning of the well can proceed.
Kidnap-Ransom Insurance
Insurance coverage providing for payment within the limit specified in the policy of ransom demanded by kidnappers of the insured.
The term, used In energy risks, refers to entry of water, gas, oil, or other formation fluid into the well bore. It occurs because the pressure exerted by the column of drilling fluid is not great enough to overcome the pressure exerted by the fluids in the formation drilled.
If prompt action is not taken to control the kick or kill the well a blowout will occur.
Kenney Ratio
Proposal by Roger Kenney, an insurance journalist, that in order to maintain the solvency of a property and casualty insurance company, insurance premiums written should not exceed more than twice the company's surplus and capital.
This historical measure is used by regulators to determine the company's claim paying capacity while maintaining its solvency.
Known accumulation
“Known accumulation” shall mean the combined exposure of insured risks or insured interests that
would in all likelihood be impacted by a loss occurrence. “Known accumulation” shall bear the same
meaning as may be expressly stated or may be inferred from the underwriting guidelines of the insurer and/or relevant reinsurance treaty agreement defining or setting general guidelines on single risk and/ or one accumulation.
Know Your Client (KYC) Identifier
Know Your Client (KYC) Identifier" means the unique number or code assigned to a client by the Central KYC Records Registry;