Defense Costs
Costs and expenses incurred by the defendant in a law suit in connection with defending the suit filed against him by the plaintiff (the party seeking relief from the defendant).
One of the parties in a negligence law suit from whom the other party seeks relief for certain wrong complained of by the latter to have been committed by the former.
Defeasible Interest
A term relevant to marine adventure. An interest that may cease to exist after commencement of voyage. E.g. an importer insuring the goods which he bought from overseas seller, although he is entitled, if the seller be guilty of delay or other default, to reject the goods, or treat them at seller's risk.
Deductible period
Deductible to be applied in respect of each claim expressed in the form of number of days claim relating to which will not be payable under the policy.
The proportion of loss that the insured bears in respect of any claim. This will be in two forms, namely, amount of excess, which will be mentioned either as a fixed amount or a percentage of the sum insured or the claim amount.
Time excess by which the insured will not be entitled to the claim relateable to a specific period (usually number of days) stated in the policy.
Refusal of an insurer to accept a risk proposed for insurance or to renew an existing insurance.
Declaration Clause
A clause which appears in Marine Cargo Insurance Open Policy or Open Cover. This provides that all dispatches coming under the purview of the open cover/open policy should be declared for insurance without exception, whether arrived or not.
Statements in an insurance contract that provide information about the property or life to be insured and used for underwriting and rating purposes and identification of the property or life to be insured.
Deck cargo
Cargo carried on deck of a ship. Insurance on cargo is normally deemed to apply only to cargo carried under deck unless specifically incorporated in the policy to the effect that the cargo is carried on deck.
Decision Tree
Diagram that illustrates all possible consequences of different decisions at different stages of decision making.
Decision Support System
A part of the Management Information System that provides answers to problems and that integrates the decision-maker into the system as a component.
Deceptive practice
Concealment of actual fact. Eg. Insurance official or the agent giving impression to the prospect of some coverage being provided in the policy while no such coverage appears in the policy document
Debt Service
Cash required in a given period, usually one year, for payments of interest and current maturities of principal, on outstanding debt. Project financiers would require the owner of the project to take out insurance for debt service also in the event of delay in the commencement schedule of the project arising out of accidental damage to the project materials.
Debris Removal Clause
The clause, when attached to a standard fire and special perils policy, on payment of an additional premium provides cover for an additional amount, in excess of the limits prescribed in the standard fire policy, as agreed to between the insurer and the insured towards costs and expenses necessarily incurred by the insured for removal of debris resulting from an accident.
Debit and Credit Balances
If the value of debit items is more than that of credit items the account will show a debit balance and if the value of all the credit entries in the account are more than that of debit entries it will show a credit balance.
Debentures -Working Capital
A company can borrow money from the market for meeting its working capital requirements by issuing debentures. Normally such debentures are for short periods like 1 or 2 years. They could be either secured or unsecured.
Debentures - Unsecured
Debentures raised without any security
Debentures- Secured
Debentures issued by charging any of the assets of the company.
Debentures - Rated Or Unrated
Debentures are instruments, which are normally rated by credit rating agencies like ICRA, CRISIL. These agencies rate the debentures depending on the capacity of the comapny to redeem the debentures on the due dates and also to pay interest on due dates. Normally a strong rating is indicated by a rating of AAA and it goes down to `AA or `A, even `BBB. However IRDA norms prescribe that the minimum rating for investments should be of `AA and it can be reduced to A+ in specific circumstances by the investment committee of the insurance company.
Debentures - Project
Money raised through debentures by a company, for setting up a new project or for capital expenditure. Normally the period of such debentures are long term which are covered not only for the construction period of the project but also upto the period by which the company will be able to earn out of the new project to redeem the debentures. Normally such project debentures are appraised by the financial institutions.
Debentures - Optionallly Convertible
A company can issue debentures giving the option to the lender to convert into equity at a specified price or a formula and in case the lender does not exercise the option the debenture will be redeemed on the specified date. In this case the lender has an option to convert or not depending on the market price of the share on the date of the conversion or any other factor he may consider for conversion.
Debentures - Convertible / Non-Convertible
When debentures are issued with specific understanding that after a specified period the same will be converted into equity capital of the company. either at a price determined or a price to be fixed as per the formula determined. For instance, a debenture of `1000/- issued at 14% interest for 5 years can be converted at the end of 5 years into Equity at a price of say `15 per share (Face value `10) at the end of 5 years or at a price equivalent to the average of the six monthly trading price prior to the date of conversion. When no such compulsory conversion into equity is specified in the debenture the same becomes non-convertible debenture.
A bond that is backed only by the general credit of the issuing corporation. No specific property is pledged as security behind the loan.
Death Claim
Claim lodged under the policy by the beneficiary for the death of the insured person.
Death Benefit
A payment made to the nominee or the legal heir of the insured under a Personal Accident Insurance Policy in the event of death.
Termination of life as a result of an accident. In order that claim for such death is recoverable under the policy, the beneficiary should furnish to the insurer a death certificate issued by the concerned authority. Sometimes a postmortem certificate may also be insisted to establish the cause of death.
Authorised agent of manufacturer for sale of the manufactured goods/vehicles.
The maximum weight in tons of the cargo, stores, water, fuel and crew, all put together which a ship can carry when loaded down to her load-line level.
Dead Well
A well that has ceased to produce oil or gas either temporarily or permanently.
Date of issue
Date on which the policy, evidencing the coverage has been issued by the insurer.
Monetary compensation awarded at law for a civil wrong or a breach of contract.
Damage by hooks, mud, oil or Other extraneous substances.
Group of extraneous perils covered as an extension to the coverage granted under the Marine Cargo Insurance Policy subject to the Institute Clauses ICC © or ICC (B) on payment of appropriate additional premium. The losses grouped under this category are, damage by hook, oil, mud and contamination by any extraneous matters. The hooks used by the dock labour for moving goods in bales, rolls or bags cause extensive damage and loss of contents. Contamination by mud, acid and other chemicals is also frequent in respect of bagged or baled cargo.
Robbery committed by a group of persons. Standard
Burglary Insurance Policy issued to both business houses and dwellings cover loss of property arising out of a dacoity.
D.E.F. (Delivery Ex Ship)
One of the terms of contract of sale where the seller has the responsibility to arrange shipment of the goods up to the destination port and bear costs as well as risk up to that point.
D.D.U. (Delivery Duty Unpaid)
One of the terms of contract of sale where the seller undertakes to deliver the goods at the named place in the country of the importer, but that the duty for the goods shall be paid by the buyer.
D.D.P. (Delivery Duty Paid)
One of the terms of contract of sale where the seller undertakes to deliver the goods at the named place in the country of the importer and also pay the customs duty.
D.A.F. (Delivery At Front)
One of the terms of contract of where the seller undertakes to deliver the goods at a named place or point at the frontier (at the border between the two nations).
District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum.
Complaints against insurers for deficiency of service can be filed by the policyholders in the district forums where the compensation claimed does not exceed ` 5,00,000/-. The district forums have jurisdiction over one or more districts.
Distribution Channels
“Distribution Channels” include insurance agents, intermediaries or insurance intermediaries,
and any persons or entities authorised by the Authority to involve in sale and service of insurance
Data Fiduciary
“Data Fiduciary” means any person who alone or in conjunction with other persons determines the purpose and means of processing of personal data;
Data Principal
“Data Principal” means the individual to whom the personal data relates and where such individual is:
(i) a child, includes the parents or lawful guardian of such a child;
(ii) a person with disability, includes her lawful guardian, acting on her behalf;
Data Processor
“Data Processor” means any person who processes personal data on behalf of a Data Fiduciary;
Digilocker is an initiative under the Digital India program by the Government of India where citizens can get authentic documents/ certificate in digital format from original issuers of these certificates. It aims at eliminating or minimising the use of physical documents and will enhance effectiveness of service delivery, making these hassle free and friendly for the citizens
Domestic Systemically Important Insurers (D-SIIs)
"Domestic Systemically Important Insurers (D-SIIs)" refer to insurers of such size, market importance, and domestic and global interconnectedness, whose distress or failure would cause a significant dislocation in the domestic financial system. Therefore, the continued functioning of D-SIIs is critical for the uninterrupted availability of insurance services to the national economy.
Domestic Tariff Area
“Domestic Tariff Area” means the whole of India (including the territorial waters and continental shelf) but does not include the areas of the Special Economic Zones;
Direct Broker
“Direct Broker” means an Insurance Broker, registered by the Authority, who for a remuneration and/or a Fee, solicits and arranges insurance business for its clients with insurers located in India and/or provides claims consultancy, Risk Management services or other similar services, permitted by IRDAI