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Insurance Article

Top Cold Weather Motorcyle Riding Tips

November 30 2018

Wear proper riding gear and ensure proper maintenance of your bike to enjoy perfect rides during winter

As a seasonal biker, riding a two-wheeler during the winters is thrilling and adventurous. It is fun cutting through cold winds and whizzing past traffic, if any. However, foggy weather and breezy conditions do make it equally challenging for the bike riders to ride comfortably. So here are a few bike riding tips in winter to cope with greasy roads and frigid conditions:

Prepare your bike for harsh conditions

Your motorbike is not going to appreciate the harsh elements of the cold winter season. Clean it regularly and treat it with a corrosion-inhibiting spray to ensure the machine works properly. Also, make sure the levers and controls are properly adjusted and lubricated, particularly the throttle cable and gear levers.

Wear proper winter riding gear

The first and foremost thing is to keep your body warm and protected against the extremities of winter season. Your riding gear should consist of a warm jacket, trousers, well supplemented with thermal tops, leggings and riding gloves. Make sure the sleeve, neck and the ankles are well protected as the wind and cold can get in. A neck warmer or a scarf is also a good addition to keep the cold at bay.

Invest in thermals and neck warmers

Thermals add an important layer to your riding gear and keeps you warm throughout the frosty winter days. Also, they are a lot thinner and hence, make for a comfortable ride in extreme cold weather. You should also make sure that the gaps around your neck, cuffs, waist, and ankles are properly sealed. Neck warmers are essential, not only to keep you warm but also to ensure a good seal around your jacket collar and under the helmet.

Always carry rain-gear with you

While all the above equipment will provide adequate protection against the chilling breeze and cold weather, it’s imperative to be equipped with proper rain-gear in case the weather takes a turn for the worse. Travelling without rain-coats and waterproof shoes may land you in trouble during such situations. Remember that it should be compact, comfortable and easy to put on or take off.

Check bike’s engine and other mechanics

Before you set in, it’s essential to look after the bike’s engine and ensure other mechanics are in order. During the winter season, the engine may become a bit stiff and hence it may take time for ignition. So, it’s prudent to wait for a few minutes with the engine running before taking your motorcycle out of the garage. You must also check the brakes, clutch, throttle and gear levers before starting your ride.

Maintain safe distance from other vehicles

The visibility on roads may reduce drastically during winters due to fog and many other factors. Hence, you should maintain safe distance from other vehicles while riding during such conditions to minimise the chances of a collision. Also, keeping your bike distant from other moving objects will help you apply the brakes gradually, essential when the roads are slippery.

Keep the tires properly inflated

When the mercury dips, extra attention needs to be paid to the bike’s tires. Cold temperature causes the air pressure to drop, which in turn will make you lose a few PSI from both the tires of your bike. Generally, there is a reduction of one or two PSIs with every 10 degree drop in temperature. Properly pressured tires not only help in ride comfort, but also improve mileage.

Drive within permissible limits

Apart from loosening your pockets while paying hefty fines, over-speeding during winters can spell trouble for you. In cold weather, the roads can get greasy and your tires might become stiff which impacts the grip of the vehicle on the streets. The dense air during low temperatures can also take a toll on the moving parts of your bike and body. Hence, you must drive slow and refrain from sudden braking, accelerating, cornering or swerving aggressively.

Apart from the above tips, it’s also prudent to keep yourself and your vehicle secured with a two-wheeler insurance policy. No matter the precautions you take, there is always a chance of a mishap which may jeopardize your health and savings. Stay financially secured with a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy, and ride worry-free.

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