How does NCB Work?
For every year you do not file an insurance claim, you would accumulate a no claim bonus. The maximum NCB that you can accumulate is equal to 50% of the premium on your comprehensive two wheeler insurance, which can be accumulated in five years. For every year that you do not file an insurance after the maximum is reached – you do not accumulate any additional discount and have to pay half the applicable premium.
If you file a claim and the insurer pays out, the NCB would fall back to zero. That is, you will have to pay the full bike insurance premium at the time of next renewal. That said, if it is determined that you were not at fault during an accident and were covered by third-party insurance cover of the other party involved – i.e. your insurer did not have to pay out, then the No Claim Bonus would continue to accumulate. In other words, the no claim bonus is lost only if your insurer has to pay out and not just because you filed a claim. If your claim is not honoured, then the NCB will not lapse. So, if both parties involved in an accident are determined to be at-fault or if your bike is stolen, the NCB would lapse as the insurer will have to pay out the claim.