Purchasing a car is not a one-time expense. You will need to set aside some of your earnings to cover its operational and maintenance costs. Even minor car damage can result in significant repair bills. But, if you have a comprehensive motor cover, you won't have to worry about maintenance. Insurance provides financial assistance if repair costs are incurred as a result of an accident, fire, or other tragic events. Also, you will be compensated if you lose your car to theft or total damage.
While driving a car, a few incidents are unavoidable; a dent is just one of them. It is critical to understand the claim process to avoid any last-minute hassles.
How to Claim Insurance for a Car Dent in India?
Follow these steps to raise a car insurance claim:
- Notify your insurer: Notify your insurer as soon as possible following the accident that damaged your vehicle. You can dial the toll-free number to reach the claim support team.
- File an FIR: If the claim is for theft or an accident, you must file an FIR with the nearest police station.
- Save the claim number: When you submit your claim request, you will be given a claim acknowledgement number. Save this number for future reference. You will need it to track your claim status.
- Inspection: Your insurer will dispatch a surveying officer to assess the extent and nature of the loss. The officer will prepare a report based on his/her evaluation and send it to the claim support team.
- Garage appointment: Following the inspection, you will be given a list of nearby network garages. You can arrange to have your vehicle towed and the repairs completed. You may also visit a non-network garage. In that case, you cannot avail of the cashless claim facility and will have to file a reimbursement claim.
Following the completion of the preceding steps, the insurer will settle the claim.